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Grandmaster Forum

GM Baburin's house falls down!

GM Seirawan's poll on time controls in professional chess

What GMs think

Open Letter From GM Yasser Seirwan to FIDE Preisdent Iljumzhinov

GM Gulko and GM Seirawan on the FIDE Crisis

GMs Hertneck & Baburin share their views on FIDE and the role and future of chess

Discussion Forum--share your views

About a year ago I circulated among many grandmasters a letter, where I asked their opinion on what could be done to improve the (difficult) situation, which we had in the professional chess. I felt that chess professionals needed to form an organization, through which they could address raise their concerns about the issues like ratings, international calendar, titles, etc. Over the past year the problems have only escalated and I believe that now more than ever before we need a place where chess pros can express and discuss their views.

For what I know, many GMs have some ideas on what could be done to improve the situation in chess, but they feel that either nobody would listen to them or nothing would happen anyway. However, I believe that if we combine the power of many chess professionals (players, organizers, journalists, arbiters) and deliver our message to the general chess public, which comprises of thousands (if not millions) of chess fans, we can be a strong power, which FIDE could not ignore. And the latest developments in FIDE suggest that we need such power to deal with FIDE, which affects our living without asking our opinion on very important matters.

So, I am starting on my Web site an online discussion place, called GM-Forum. Here any chess professional or a chess fan can share his or her opinion on chess politics, ways to improve the image of chess, etc. Existing newsgroups are hardly useful in that sense, as there is too much irrelevant stuff published there (people have their personal fights, etc). Thus I reserve the right to refuse publication of any material, which I may find offensive to chess public or irrelevant to the subject. Please note that I am not keen to be a censor and so I am prepared to share this editorial function with other people when the GM-Forum will become a popular place. I would like to stress that although it is called GM-Forum, not only grandmasters can participate. All of us – players, journalists, trainers, writers, arbiters, organizers – can benefit from more order in the chess world and better image of our game. Thus we should all unite in the attempt to make chess a more respected occupation.

So, welcome to the GM-Forum!  I hope that together we can make a difference in the chess world!

With best regards,
Alexander Baburin.

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All text Copyright Alexander Baburin unless otherwise noted